Saturday 20 May 2017

The Cornish History Kindle Bookshelf

The history of Cornwall explored in Kindle Books

Cornish History in Quotations 

"Cornwall’s strange, mellifluous place names give it a flavour quite different from English counties." 1000 Cornish Place Names: Explained
"Then our mother said 'When we leave Plymouth we shall come to a bridge, and once the bridge is crossed we shall be in Cornwall'" Vanishing Cornwall (VMC Book 466) 
“Cornwall, peopled mainly by Celts, but with an infusion of English blood, stands, and always has stood apart from the rest of England, but in a less degree has Wales.” Cornish Characters
"Morever, Vntill Athelsones time, the Cornish-men bare equal sway in Excester with the English: for hee it was who hemmed them within their present limits." The Survey of Cornwall 
“The story goes that the devil one day came to the Tamar from the Devin side and stood rubbing his chin and considering.” “No”, said he, “ I won’t risk it. Yonder every person is made into a saint, and everything into a squab pie. I do not feel qualified for either position.” A Book of Cornwall (Illustrated)
“Cornwall emerges from the murk of prehistory courtesy of Classical writes such as Strabo, who mentions a visit by the Roman Publius Crassus who in the first century BC visited the Cassiterides (the Tin Isles(, Modern day cornwall and Scilly, to organise tin trading with the Mediteranean” Cornwall's History: an introduction
“Cornwall was bound to be different: Its rocks had made it so. They are of several kinds and have different origins, but it is the grey granite which dominates Cornwall’s landscapes and moods.”  National Trust Histories: Cornwall 

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